• 7inch


  • Cat No: F-URBNET1299
  • 2020-08-09


7inch ---- JPY


Moka Only等をリリースしているカナダのアンダーグラウンド・ヒップホップ・レーベルから。ベネズエラ出身の移民カナダのアーチスト。Caracasはベネズエラ・ボリバル共和国の首都。望郷的柔らかくて温かみのある独特の質感、独特のリズム感覚で繰り広げらる。チリノイズのるようなLOW-FIなつくりに、このベースを刻み込む7インチでのリリースですが、ハウス、ブギー、じっくり素晴らしいです。是非。アナログならではの魅力もあり、フルで音量だせるようならかなり凄いです。 (サイトウ)

ANZOLA is a recording artist whose loop-based neo-psychedelic music incorporates elements of Instrumental Hip Hop, Electronic, Jazz and Latin influences. The multi-instrumentalist creates a groove-heavy and laid back landscape utilizing samplers, classic synths, drum machines and live instrumentation.

Since immigrating to Canada in 2009, the Venezuelan-born musician has been busy releasing music and establishing himself in Toronto's vibrate music scene.

His new EP Caracas finds him in a reflective mood, looking back at his youth spent growing up in the city of Caracas, and his experience immigrating to Canada.

"My music is the story of who I am" muses ANZOLA. "And like most immigrants will tell you, when you leave your home, a piece of you stays. With this EP, I wanted to celebrate the city I come from and explore the parts of myself that were left behind."

Caracas finds the artist expanding his sonic palette beyond downtempo trip-hop style beats and incorporating elements of House, Jazz and Boogie, with Latin flavours throughout.

Entirely self-produced, these six tracks transport us into ANZOLA's kaleidoscopic vision of his youth: a world of heat and haze, colour and texture, of lazy afternoons and late-night dances, languid jungles and chaotic streets. All created instrumentally utilizing drum machines, bass, synths, electric pianos and samplers. "I've always been better at communicating through chords and rhythm than with words. On this record, I followed my feelings and memories to return home."

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