• LP
  • Digital

Energy Exchange Records Vol I.

  • Cat No: EXRECLP002
  • Release: 2023-09-22


Digital 1200 JPY

オーストラリア、メルボルンの30/70周辺のミュージック・コレクティヴEnergy Exchangeのニュープロジェクト。Energy Exchange Ensemble。トランス・カルチャルを掲げた象徴的なレーベルECMに系を表したという、バンドアンサンブル。

Energy Exchange Records、30/70のリリースに続いてのリリースです。30/70の主要メンバーだったドラマーZiggy Zeitgeist率いたZeitgeist Freedom Energy Exchangeの発展系と言えるニュープロジェクト。Lewis Moody(キーボード)、Matthew Hayes (Bass)はじめ曲によって構成の違うメンバーでの録音。30/70のシンガーでソロでも活躍しているAllysha Joy、Toy TonicsのCody Currieもゲストで参加しています。 (サイトウ) (LPのコメントから参照)

Track List

16bit/44.1khz [wav/flac/aiff/alac/mp3]

Brand new nebulous band, Energy Exchange Ensemble, unite with friends to produce an uncompromising vision for soulful and deep experiences on the dancefloor in this stunning debut album. Bursting into the summer with a vibrant and dynamic debut album, Energy Exchange Ensemble (EX Ensemble), assume their position as innovators of contemporary organically engineered dance music inspired by collaboration and that "special sauce" born from improvised jam-style musicianship. Long time collaborators and pioneers of Melbourne's indefinable underground sound through collectives like 30/70 and Zeitgeist Freedom Energy Exchange, Lewis Moody and Ziggy Zeitgeist, reunite on their latest project, EX Ensemble. Energy Exchange Records Vol 1. pays homage to the transcultural projects curated by iconic label, ECM, capturing the impassioned spirit of spontaneity. Delivering a fully realised debut deeply rooted by a core house band that facilitates a flow of many ideas to take shape in an innovative form, where amorphous sound reigns supreme. Garnering a slew of genre-defying musicians from Melbourne, London and Berlin for their debut album, self-produced and released on their own label Energy Exchange Records started alongside Benjamin Tramaille, an emerging house producer releasing music under his moniker Maytra (Local Talk, Visions Recordings), Energy Exchange Records Vol 1. is available on digital and 12" LP format on September 8th 2023.

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