• 10inch+CD+DL

Framework 3

  • Cat No: ARBITRARY 11
  • 2023-05-17


10inch+CD+DL ---- JPY

音をグラフィカルスコアで表すこと、どのようにして視覚的イメージを音像化していくか、に取り組んできた、デンマークの〈ARBITRARY〉主宰のMADS EMIL NIELSENによるFRAMEWORK〉シリーズの第3弾。ベルリンのグラフィックデザイナーKATJA GRETZINGERと、〈ROOM40〉や〈STUDENTS OF DECAY〉からもリリースしたイタリアの電子音楽家NICOLA RATTIとのコラヴォレーション。新作に合わせてストックしました。

JAN JELINEK、HIDEKI UMEZAWA、ANDREA NEUMANNとの「Framework 2」に続くリリース。リソグラフのグラフィックスコア、10インチのクリアヴァイナル、CD、ボーナストラックもついたダウンロードコード。スコアはKATJA GRETZINGER、テキスト、パッケージ、アートワークはMads Emil Nielsen自身の手によるものです。 (サイトウ)

The Danish label/imprint arbitrary announces the release of Framework 3 (arbitrary11) by Mads Emil Nielsen. Framework 3 is the latest instalment in Nielsen’s sequence of graphic scores and recordings. The series includes the Danish composer’s own subjective translations of visual materials and sound pieces accompanied by visual notations.

On this release he collaborates with Katja Gretzinger and Nicola Ratti. Published as a limited edition art print folder, Framework 3 consists of risographed scores and recordings on 10” vinyl and CD – with recordings by Nielsen, along with graphic scores by Gretzinger and contributions by Ratti.

Raised in a family of architects Nielsen has for several years been occupied with the question of “how do you intuitively sonify an image?” along with the complementary processes of translating sounds and music into illustrations and scores. In early 2019, he produced various drawings and sound pieces which formed the starting point for the three tracks on this 10” vinyl EP. The audio is derived from synthesizer recordings and basic electronic sound sources (sine waves, feedback, noise) and percussive loops combined with recordings made in the studios at EMS (Elektronmusikstudion, Stockholm).

The audio material was translated by graphic designer Katja Gretzinger into a series of visual notations made while listening to the music. Gretzinger developed various symbols, forms and structures, such as points, bars, 3D balls, irregular patterns / “swarms” and regular patterns (vertical hatchings). These were combined with found image materials and cut-outs from old prints and layered with large geometric forms, which define the individual character of each of the three parts. The resulting 18-page graphic score is included in the release in the form of risograph printed sheets.

Nielsen then invited musician Nicola Ratti, who is also trained as an architect, to create sonic re-interpretations of the graphic score. Ratti reinterpreted the imagery as a selection of sound elements positioned in a three-dimensional area; which he visualized as the space between the composer / artist, Ratti himself and the loudspeakers. These recordings are included on the CD.

1, 2, 3 written & produced by Mads Emil Nielsen, Copenhagen / Berlin, 2019 / 2020 (reworked and combined with a live recording from Standards, Milan, September 2019). Recording by + thanks to URSSS. CD: 1, 2, 3 written & produced by Nicola Ratti, Milan, 2020.
Scores by Katja Gretzinger. Artwork/design (packaging, discs, text) by Mads Emil Nielsen.

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